Monday, April 25, 2011

Naps and Napping ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz......

I am at a loss for creative ways to implement nap time. Evelynn and Elizabeth stopped taking naps at 2 (pretty much when they figured out how to get out of their cribs... little monkeys). Nathan will occasionally nap but not every day. I NEED them to have some kind of nap/rest/quiet time. The girls play together and keep each other awake if they are both in the same room. I have been putting one in my bed and the other in their own bed and they will occasionally succumb to sweet, quiet sleep. Hoping this sticks!
Any suggestions?


  1. I went to Trader Joe's yesterday and fell asleep in the parking lot. I then came to ponder how is it that I have not grown out of naps but my 5 year old and three year old have? Weird.

  2. Hi!! I'm stopping by and following from Hoppin' Weekend Blog Hop. I hope you'll check out my blog Frazzled Mama at and follow me back. Hope you have a great weekend.
